I think anyone who appears on Big Brother is a moron,so there is your answer.What do you think of stuart in BigBrother wearing nail varnish?
he looks weird i thought it was a joke at first then he kept on doing it then i thought i not sure what he really looks like now lol. and the eye liner and stuff showed he has a feminen side i was like aww but men shouldn't really be wearing it i would prefer women to only . but as a joke.
I haven't watched big brother this year so I don't know who he is. But I think big brother is one of those situations that is completely surreal that you'd prob to anything to entertain yourself out of pure boredom
he looks weird.
i hate the stupid eyeliner too. he loks awful. i dont know how and why girls fancy him
he isnt gay but why dress like a gay guy if your not???
i think it looks stupid if he was into the goth scene and dressed in black then the black nail varnish might go but i don't like it.
I think it's hot. I wear the exact same colour lol. Alot of guys wear black nail varnish, it's attractive
I don't know you mean, but sometimes black nail polish looks hot on the right guy
I think it's hot with the guyliner aswell :D but not all guys can pull it off.
I think he looks hot..... Speshli when he wears eye makeup! He has gorgous eyes and they really stand out :]
I think it's a bit gay for a man to wear nail varnish.!!!
I don't see anything wrong with it! Looks pretty hot! Only in black though!
yh he wears black nail varnish
i think it's gay, sorry
it looks HOT on him
each to their own. he isnt harming anyone...so who cares!
Stupid! It's so gay!
its up to him i suppose. he wears mascara too lol. whatever floats ya boat!
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