Thursday, January 21, 2010

How do you dispose nail varnish remover properly?

apart from throwing it in the bin.How do you dispose nail varnish remover properly?
Look in your phone book for a hazardous material drop off site. All cities or counties have them. These are the proper place to drop off all household hazardous materials (oil, old paint, unused cleaning materials, CFL's and etc). When you get there they can give you a list of what items should be taken there instead of being taken to the landfill.How do you dispose nail varnish remover properly?
Throw it in the bin. It will end up in the land fill which is the real problem to solve. Just don't throw it in the recycle bins for paper or cans.

My policy around the house is ';reduce or replace';. Try to reduce or replace stuff like nail varnish with green alternatives.

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